
Use Pixyne to quickly review your photo folders, safely delete bad and similar shots, fix the shooting dates, crop and ajust photos






How to use

Pixyne application has a simple and intuitive interface:


Ready to use

For Linux users, Burnfix is avaliable as a Flatpak on Flathub:

Download on Flathub

Another easy way to install the application is to download and run the installation file from the latest release that matches your operating system and CPU type. Pre-built binaries are available for

OS CPU type Install package Tested1
Linux Intel, AMD 64-bit pixyne-linux-amd64.tar.xz No
Linux ARM 64-bit pixyne-linux-arm64.tar.xz Yes
Linux ARM 32-bit pixyne-linux-arm.tar.xz No
OS X (MAC) Intel 64-bit pixyne-macosx-amd64.dmg No
OS X (MAC) ARM 64-bit pixyne-macosx-arm64.dmg No
Windows Intel, AMD 64-bit pixyne-windows-amd64.msi Yes

1Some of packages was only cross-builded and not tested on real desktops, but you can still try them out


Pixyne compiles into a statically linked binary with no explicit runtime dependencies.

Compiling requires a Go compiler (v1.18 or later is required) and the prerequisites for Fyne.

On systems with the above compile-time requirements met you can build the project using go build in the project root:

git clone https://github.com/vinser/pixyne.git
go build .

Created using Fyne GUI library
App icon design from Icon8